

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Treatment day 34

Break day

Today is a day off medication. Yesterday, I took my last sniffs of buselerin (8am, noon, 4pm, 8pm) and last injection of menopur (6pm), as well as the single ovitrelle injection (1015pm). All had to be timed exactly.

We went in for my scan on Monday. It was a bit disappointing because I only had two follicles mature to the required point. If it had been easy for us to start again during my next cycle, I think they would have recommended it. But as Jon's about to leave, we asked to go ahead with egg collection this week. It means we probably only have two eggs to work with.

ovitrelle pen
So the op. is happening tomorrow morning. I'm quite scared. Also very tired as I haven't been sleeping. But so glad the nurse let us make our own decision about going ahead now. And happy we are going to get through this before Jon heads off. It would have been very hard doing it without him. (We should be able to see any viable embryo, if we have one, put back in before he leaves as well.)

The ovitrelle injection makes my eggs mature ready for collection.  It was pretty stressful to do. You get given one dose. I've had to keep it in my fridge for the last 5 weeks and move it from one house to another. It is a pen device, so I was very scared of breaking it or dropping it or doing something wrong. Only once chance! Jon helped me to keep calm and I think we managed ok. So relieved I don't have to do any more injections.

Fingers crossed Jon's sperm and my bits look ok tomorrow and they can go ahead. And that the needle in the back of my hand doesn't hurt too much : ( We are in at 830am and I should be out around lunchtime.