

Sunday, 7 October 2012

Treatment Day 24

Injections and nasal spray #5

The active ingredient
Here, you can just about see my follicle-stimulating medication, Menopur. It comprises ampoules filled with saline solution and little bottles with discs of powder. You have to mix the two before injecting. I have to use two lots of powder each time but this varies from person to person.

You can also see one of my little ampoule snappers, used to break into the saline liquid container.

Ampoule snapper
It is this Menopur stuff that can trigger ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, which would be nasty. As it affects 1 in 100 women (in BCRM's experience, so the nurse said) the risk is reasonable. But so far I have been fine.

I am slightly concerned about the fact I may need to inject while in my car or on a train on Wednesday..... but let's cross that bridge when we come to it!

Thus far, the whole rigmarole hasn't felt connected with attempting to have a baby. I am just fascinated by the various procedures and quite proud of how well I manage to stick needles in my tummy.