

Thursday, 30 September 2010

Final straw. -2 months.

Saw the GP today. My birthday was a few days ago, 32, a year since we stopped using contraception. Still nothing by way of buns in the oven. I have been feeling quite low.

It does wear you down, having to handle ongoing uncertainty and lack of understanding about what's going on in your body; having to keep going with life as if all's normal; only getting updated once a month on whether you've seen "success". We had a holiday in Croatia a couple of weeks back and when I suffered some constipation, my hope was that it was pregnancy-related. But, no.

I would advise against reading any websites or internet forums about early signs of pregnancy, btw.

Anyway, the doctor was very kind and said I'd made the right decision to come to her after one year. She took some blood in order to run a few tests, told me to come back for more blood tests at a different stage of my cycle, asked me to book a chlamydia test and tell Jon to book himself in for sperm analysis in Abergavenny.

I have little hope that the uncertainty is going to end, if I'm honest. But it is nice to have been able to share it with a professional who didn't think I was worrying about nothing.